Friday, November 11, 2005

Dr K Holtorf's treatment for CFS and FMS

Today, I discovered this report, copied here below, at Jim Carney's blog. Note, Component Two states mitochondria are the energy producers of the cells and are critical for normal functioning and that mitochondria dysfunction may be the common denominator and underlying mechanism that explains the symptoms of CFIDS/FM. I am copying the report here in full because it ties in with a most intriquing report by Dr Myhill published in the previous entry. Dr Holtorf says, in addition to the treatments to rid the body of the offending agents, specific nutrients can be given to jump start the mitochondria and get the body functioning again. These can also be administered orally or via an intravenous route. Interesting. If any reader has tried any of these treatments, especially the one suggested by Dr Myhill, please share here in the comments or email me. Thanks.

A New Standard For the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia 11-09-2005
By Kent Holtorf, M.D.

Dr. Holtorf received his Doctorate of Medicine from St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1991. While in medical school, Dr. Holtorf's symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome emerged and he spent the early part of his medical career searching for the causes and the cure for this little know condition. In 1994, Dr. Holtorf used this knowledge to begin a family practice specializing in natural hormone replacement and optimization, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroidism.

Board Certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine and certified in oxidative medicine, Dr. Holtorf established the Hormone and Longevity Medical Center, Inc. in Los Angeles in 2001 to continue his specialized care of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. Last year, Dr. Holtorf joined with one of his Fibromyalgia patients, Bob Baurys, to become the Chief Medical Officer of the Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Centers, Inc. By training FFC physicians and staff, Dr. Holtorf and his proven medical protocols now give hope and help to the millions of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients nationwide.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are complex diseases that involve multi-system disturbances and abnormalities. Because of this complexity, these conditions have been poorly treated by the current medical system in this country.

These conditions do not lend themselves to be successfully treated with the eight to fifteen minute visits that address only a portion of the wide spectrum of underlying dysfunctions. Through a more detailed evaluation, all identifiable etiologies contributing to the symptomology may be appropriately addressed, and when multifaceted treatment is instituted that addresses the entire spectrum of these diseases, truly remarkable success and total cures can be obtained.

In general, successful treatment can be viewed in components. Treatment needs to be individualized, components may occur in different order and multiple components are often addressed simultaneously, but these can be broken down as follows.

Component One: Stabilize the Patient
This is a component in which pain and sleep disturbances are addressed. This may include the use of, sleep medications, pain medications and antidepressants. This is in general a temporary "stop gap" phase because as the treatment progresses and the underlying problems are addressed, the medications that "mask the symptoms" are no longer needed. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of patients are never brought past this stage by their doctors. This is because this component is the limit of training for most doctors, but it really should only be the first step.

Component Two: Mitochondrial Enhancement
This component is actually integrated throughout the treatment program and tapered as the patient returns to normal functioning. The mitochondria are the energy producers of the cells and are critical for normal functioning. But they are shown to be poisoned in these conditions, leaving the cells starving for energy.

Many things can poison the mitochondria including hormonal deficiencies, toxins and infections. Mitochondria dysfunction may be the common denominator and underlying mechanism that explains the symptoms of CFIDS/FM. In addition to the treatments above to rid the body of the offending agents, specific nutrients can be given to jump start the mitochondria and get the body functioning again. These can also be administered orally or via an intravenous route.

Component Three: Balance the Hormones
There are a number of hormonal deficiencies with these conditions that must be addressed to assure successful treatment. Unfortunately, these hormonal deficiencies are often missed or poorly treated because doctors have come to rely on standard blood tests that require an intact pituitary and hypothalamus for diagnosis and dosing of hormone levels.

There is, however, severe hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction with these conditions, making the standard blood tests inadequate. Some typical hormones functions, not just levels, that need to be evaluated include thyroid function, growth hormone, testosterone, aldosterone, cortisol, DHEA, pregnenolone, estradiol, progesterone, among others. When they are properly treated and balanced, tremendous results can be achieved.

Component Four: Treat the Infectious Components
There are multiple infections that either may be the cause of CFIDS/FM or contribute to the dysfunction. Because of the immune dysfunctions, there is often more than one infection that must be addressed. Potential pathogens include a variety of viruses such as Epstein Barr (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6), Enteroviruses, such as Coxsackie, Echo, and Stealth virus.

Bacterial infections include intracellular organisms such as Mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumonia, Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme Disease) and Ehrlichia. A number of yeasts such as Candida and parasites must also be evaluated. Infections with many of the above organisms will also further suppress the immunity, often resulting in further infections with other organisms.

Thus, many organisms must be evaluated and treated along with an assessment and treatment of the immune system. If a poor immune system is not addressed, successful eradication of the organisms is not likely, even with the most potent treatments. Treatment may be administered with oral medications or via an intravenous route. A combination of IV and oral medication in conjunction with immune modulation is extremely powerful.

Component Five: Address Unique Etiologies
There are a number of problems that must be addressed in select patients. For instance, some individuals have a coagulation defect that is set off by a chronic infection. This results in the laying down of a fibrin coating on the lumen of the vessel causing impaired oxygen and nutrient transfer. This can result in fatigue, muscle aches and "brain fog". If suspected, diagnosis requires specialized testing. If not treated, not only are the cells starved for oxygen and nutrients, but it is very difficult to eradicate any infection because they will "hide" in the fibrin coating.

Also, if the organism is one that produces neurotoxins, this must also be addressed. These substances can remain in the body and continue to cause symptoms long after the organism that produced them are gone. Special testing and protocols must be done to rid the body of these tiny toxins.

Component Six: Maintenance
Here is where the patient is weaned to just a few core medications and supplements to remain symptom free and maintain their health. Significant recovery or complete resolution of symptoms is the rule rather than the exception when a multifaceted treatment plan is instituted.
(c) 2005 Kent Holtorf, M.D. Reprinted with permission.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You asked whether anyone has tried the treatment to kickstart the mitochondria in the cells. I have just started the treatment program as suggested on Dr Myhill's website because I have recently had the ATP Profile test done at Biolab which shows that my ATP levels are low, functional magnesium is low, ADP to ATP recycling is poor, and movement of ATP to and from the mitochondria is poor. In addition I have low Co enzyme Q10 and low vitamin B1 which I think are also important in the energy production process. I have had ME for about 10 years now and only recently have I had tests done which demonstrate that there is something wrong. I'll try and report back in a couple of months or so and let you know if I see any improvement. I'm quite optimistic about this as the results of poor energy production would tie in with my symptoms pretty well.



February 05, 2006  
Blogger Ingrid J. Jones said...

Hi Mark, Lovely surprise to hear from you, thank you for taking the time to comment. Sorry it has been 10 years for you. I became incapacitated in October 1999.

Over the last three months, following a report I'd read in a newsletter about Dr Myhill's latest conclusions, my GP read it over and prescribed zinc tablets, a liquid multi vitamin that is kept in the fridge, fish oil capsules and Q10 100mg daily. I've been doing pretty good. My energy levels are slighly increased - overall I'd say about 5% but I don't feel so bad when distressed - ie phone ringing and some one at the door at the same time - you know the feeling, when a number of things happen all at once which force you to multi task quickly and walk around and talk at the same time!

Please do keep in touch and let me know how you get on. This blog isn't really live, I just use it as a filing cabinet for my ME stuff. But messages get through to me right away. I haven't stopped blogging, my time and energy has been concentrated on the various blogs I have monitoring some humanitarian crises in Africa.

By the way, the Q10 was £40 per pack. What I am having difficulty with is sticking to the rigid timetable of when to take these things at mealtimes - they made me quite ill at first - stomach cramps, hot cold shivering like the rigours - the liquid multi vitamin is the hardest to take, I guess because it is so concentrated.

I've also started on statens to try lower cholesterol from 8.1. Cutting out cheese, salt and red meat helped lower it to 7.1 but now the statens are needed. I eat healthily so it may be genetic as my brother is started to get signs of high cholesterol.

Good luck, I hope you see some improvement.

February 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering, didn't it say in Dr. Myhill's article that taking Statins will affect those with CFS negatively? I quote: "All my CFS patients feel much worse on statins because these stop the body from making its own Co Q 10. Beta blockers, tricyclic antidepressants and phenothiazines also block Co Q 10 synthesis."

I recently stopped taking my amitriptyline as it is a Tricyclic Anti-depressant (I was taking it for sleep and to control pain.)

July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This question is for Mark: Have you had any improvement since starting Dr. Myhill's the energy Supplement cocktail? Also, there seems to be some confusion in the article as to whether one should take Acetyl L-Carnitine or L-Carnitine, two distincly different supplements. Any help there? It would be much appreciated, as I was doing well on a combination of a couple of these supplements but would like to try them all together now.



July 08, 2006  
Blogger rukaluka said...

I follow all Dr. Myhill's advice with keen interest. I have found a combination of D-Ribose, and CoQ10 to be highly effective at reducing the impact of the symptoms.

I still get muscle pains, especially if I do anything rather physical, and have horrid moments when my brain seems to be sleepy (e.g. can't do simple maths like 5+7), but I can manage many things that were previously impossible, e.g. get out of bed for more than a few hours a day!! I still do sleep about 12 hours a night, but previously it was longer.

Most days, I can walk around my flat, cook a meal, walk up stairs, even a little bit of non-physical work, though I can't satisfy the JobCentre's pressure to work full-time.

November 12, 2011  

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