Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meme: Joe Trippi's Eleven-Eleven 1111Campaign - America's and Britain's Veterans have given so much. Now, you can give back.

Joe Trippi, one of America's greatest bloggers, has launched Eleven Eleven Campaign. The objective of the Eleven Eleven Campaign is simple: to get 11 million Americans to donate $11 to support America’s Veterans. Here is a copy of Joe's latest tweet on Twitter:
Tomorrow is Veterans Day, and now is our moment to encourage our friends, family members and colleagues to join us... http://bit.ly/9Iu9s
33 minutes ago from Facebook
Eleven Eleven
Hey Joe! Britain's Veterans have given so much too!

Stand with 11 million Brits and Give £11 to Support Britain’s Vets!

Take Action Today
Click here to support Britain's Veterans
November 11, 2009

Britain's Veterans have given so much.  Now, you can give back.

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Top scientists to meet at Cleveland Clinic on trail of XMRV, a suspect in prostate cancer

Top scientists to meet at Cleveland Clinic on trail of XMRV, a suspect in prostate cancer

Photo: Dr. Robert Silverman is a cancer biologist at the Cleveland Clinic instrumental in the discovery of the XMRV virus. (Lisa DeJong, The Plain Dealer)

From Cleveland.com by Angela Townsend, The Plain Dealer
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Top scientists to meet at Cleveland Clinic on trail of XMRV, a suspect in prostate cancer
Medical reporter Angela Townsend discusses this story at 7:35 this morning with WCPN FM/90.3’s Eric Wellman on Tuesday Check-up. Listen in or log in online.

The virus XMRV has become a favorite topic in the scientific community -- three years after its initial discovery in prostate cancer tumors by researchers from the Cleveland Clinic and the University of California, San Francisco.

In October, a team of researchers from the Clinic, the University of Nevada at Reno and the National Cancer Institute reported finding the virus in the majority of patients they studied who had chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a debilitating disorder marked by profound fatigue, muscle pain, impaired memory and other symptoms. Its causes are unknown.

That news came on the heels of another study, published in September, that revealed the virus could be an important marker for aggressive prostate cancer tumors.

Capitalizing on the excitement and heightened spirit of collaboration, 75 of the top scientists nationwide studying XMRV are flying in to convene Wednesday at the Clinic.

"This is the first meeting of the major players in the area of XMRV," said John Coffin of the department of microbiology at Tufts University in Boston. "I think there's going to be a lot of excitement and a lot of new information presented."

XMRV is one of three known human retroviruses. The other two are HIV and HTLV (a type of virus that infects white blood cells and can cause leukemia and lymphoma). All three are transmitted through bodily fluids.

One of the most striking things about XMRV is that there are indications that up to 4 percent of people in the United States carry the virus, said Coffin, who wrote an editorial accompanying a journal article on the link to chronic fatigue syndrome.

"There might be other consequences of this infection," he said.

The invitation-only gathering will be the first large meeting of scientists on XMRV since the National Institutes of Health's closed-door session last summer on the topic.

The National Cancer Institute helped pull together key people involved in various research projects, said Robert Silverman, a cancer biologist at the Clinic's Lerner Research Institute. "It's been about two months in the making."

It will be a chance for researchers not only to swap information but to form new collaborations.

"We're learning things at such a rapid pace that we need a venue to exchange ideas and information," said Dr. Ila Singh, a professor in the University of Utah's department of pathology and senior author of the research involving prostate cancer patients.

"I'm hoping for a deeper understanding. We know so little at the moment. I'm hoping to learn more about the virus," she said. "That's what's sorely lacking. There's a lot of speculative information . . . I want to know what's real."

In advance of Wednesday's meeting, Silverman, one of the researchers credited with the initial discovery of XMRV, spoke with The Plain Dealer:

How did XMRV get its name?

It's a descriptive name. Xenotropic, which means the virus came from mice but mice are immune to its effects. It does affect other animals. Murine leukemia, which is the parent virus. Related Virus.

How does XMRV affect animals?

XMRV is closely related to a virus that causes leukemia, lymphoma and neurological diseases in animals. [Research] suggests that the human version could cause similar disease.

How did humans acquire XMRV?

We probably acquired it from mice because that's where the prototype exists. At what point it crossed over to humans we don't know. It's probably something that's been out there for a long time. Maybe many years.

How is XMRV spread?

That research is in the planning stage. What we're doing is trying to develop diagnostic assays to assess who has it and who doesn't. We're trying to determine how the virus is transmitted.

With the new possible link to chronic fatigue syndrome, does this make getting funding for XMRV research easier?

The funding part remains to be seen. There's been a tremendous interest in chronic fatigue syndrome. I've been getting almost nonstop calls from doctors and patients. They're obviously looking for hope in this study, although the virus is not proven to cause CFS. That's still unknown. But until it's ruled out, it's going to obviously be a subject of great interest.
Have the research gains since your findings three years ago been significant enough that investigators are hopeful about what may be around the corner?

It was kind of a sleeper. We published in 2006. There were really only a handful of papers published in the first couple years. It takes time for scientists to mobilize and perform research. Now there's a flurry of publications working on it. The field is exploding. It depends on whether we can nail down if this is a disease-causing virus. The potential of this is enormous. If it is proven to cause prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome, then there would be the potential for new methods of diagnosis, new methods of treatment -- antivirals, even for prevention. That's why we're so excited about the prospect.

What about the recent study by German researchers in the journal Retrovirology that found no link between XMRV and prostate cancer?

It is not atypical of science for different groups to get different results. There could be methodological differences. I believe our methods were more sensitive. They may have missed it. Or it could be a different strain. Another interpretation is that the virus is more prevalent in the United States than in Germany.

Why should the average person care about XMRV?

We don't know at this point if the virus causes either prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome. Our results suggest that XMRV is a candidate for causing human disease. However, it's still in a relatively early stage of the research. There are potentially major public health implications of this virus, so there's an urgency to figure it out and move forward.

What is the Clinic working on now in relation to XMRV?

We're working to help develop a diagnostic test that could be applied to a large number of people. It could be developed pretty quickly, maybe in a year or two.

We're really studying how the virus could cause disease at a very fundamental level. But a vaccine could be 10 years [away] or maybe longer.

This is exciting research. We're working as hard as we can to help benefit patients.

Contact Angela Townsend: atownsen@plaind.com or 216-999-3894.


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Salute Royal British Legion & Combat Stress - Remembering PTSD and GWS on Remembrance Sunday

Today, on Remembrance Sunday, while watching BBC1 TV coverage of the memorial ceremony from the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London, I heard the presenter, David Dimbleby, remark on a 10% increase in requests for help from Combat Stress, an ex-services mental welfare society set up to help ex-service personnel suffering from psychological injuries and mental problems.

+ + + Remembrance Sunday &
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month + + +

Remembrance Day Poppy

Photo: Remembrance Day Poppy

Two minutes of silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month because that was the time (in Britain) when the armistice became effective. The two minutes recall World War I and World War II. Before 1945 the silence was for one minute, and today some ceremonies still only have one minute of silence despite this.

In the United Kingdom, although two minutes' silence is observed on November 11 itself, the main observance is on the second Sunday of November, Remembrance Sunday.

Source: Remembrance Day - Wikipedia


See my blog Sudan Watch, 10 October 2008: Deployed peacekeeping veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have significant impairments in health-related quality of life

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Friday, November 06, 2009

PTSD: Bonfire Night Cartoon

Bonfire Night Cartoon

'I've got PTSD.'
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Incase a VIP from the MOD ever comes across this blog post: please see my blog Sudan Watch, 10 October 2008: Deployed peacekeeping veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have significant impairments in health-related quality of life

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